
Treat the cause of your allergies… not just the symptoms

There is a more patient-friendly, convenient, safe and an effective way to treat the cause of your allergies through immunotherapy. We offer allergy drop treatment — also known as sublingual immunotherapy — to help you treat the underlying cause of your allergies.

Looking for a way to manage your allergies? 

What are advantages of allergy drops?

  • Lower cost, fewer clinic visits. Compared to shots, allergy drops typically cost less and require fewer clinic visits. Most patients receiving allergy drops need only a few clinic visits the first year, and then once every 6-12 months thereafter until visits are no longer needed.
  • More convenient. You can take allergy drops at home or wherever you are, making it much easier to stay with your treatment.
  • Less medication. Our patients report, and research confirms, that they typically need less medication to control symptoms after beginning allergy drops.
  • Enjoy healthier days. The end benefit of taking drops consistently? Feeling better. Patients typically report fewer clinic visits, hospitalizations, and less time lost from work and school.

If you’re interested in testing your allergies and treating the root cause of your allergies, contact us to set up an appointment.

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    It is possible to live healthfully with pets! Allergy drops are a safe, effective, convenient and affordable treatment that may allow you to welcome a pet back into your life. Call us today to get started!

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    To get the most from your allergy drop treatment, stay with it until your body learns to tolerate what you’re allergic to. This happens long after your symptoms improve. Allergy drops work in three phases.

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    One of the biggest benefits of allergy drop treatment is it’s safe for people who don’t tolerate or aren’t candidates for allergy shots. Allergy drops can safely treat those with other conditions such as asthma, food and mold allergies, and kids under the age of six.

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