FAQs and Patient Guidelines

FAQs and Patient Guidelines

  • Is Dr. Shore-Schein a Primary Care Physician?

    Dr. Shore-Schein is a specialist, not a Primary Care Physician (PCP). Patients wishing to be seen for a non-scheduled appointment may at times be accommodated that week, but otherwise should consult with their PCP, or go to your nearest emergency room.

  • Billing

    All billing inquiries should be directed to the front desk 781-990-6625. The front desk person will take a message, or you will leave a voicemail and your billing inquiry will be answered within two (2) working days. 

    Please note it is the patient’s responsibility to inquire about their insurance coverage [in or out of network] for any service or visit; Sunshine Wellness cannot make inquiries of insurance companies on a patient’s behalf.

  • How do I make my payments?

    We are now contactless for payments. You will receive a link by email/text via Square to make your payment. 

    You may choose to pay via the Square link, or by cash or by check at your appointment.  ALL payments are due prior to your appointment beginning. You may also call our office to make a payment over the phone.

    Please note for Virtual/telemedicine appointments this is how Dr. Shore-Schein is notified that you are signed in and ready for your appointment.  

  • New Patient Appointments

    To schedule a New Patient Appointment please call our office at 781-990-6625 or click on the link under "contact"  to send us an email. 

    At the time your new patient appointment is scheduled you will be required to provide our office with a credit card to reserve your appointment. Your card will NOT be charged as long as rescheduling or a cancellation is made at least two (2) business days before your appointment. 

  • Late Cancellations/No-Shows

    A cancellation is considered late when the appointment is canceled with less than 48 hours before your appointed time

    A NO-SHOW is when a patient misses an appointment without canceling. 

    In either case, we charge a $75 missed appointment fee which must be paid before your appointment will be rescheduled.

    Please note chronic late cancellations/NO SHOWS may result in termination from our practice. 

  • Prescriptions

    Refills will be done during your appointment, and you will be given refills through your follow up appointment, unless otherwise determined by Dr. Shore-Schein.  ** Please note change of medications/therapies will not done in any forum other than an appointment with Dr. Shore-Schein. 

    In order for prescription to be refilled, you must  have been seen within the last 3-6 months, or sooner if requested by Dr. Shore-Schein. Prescription refill requests should first be initiated  by calling your local pharmacy who will then contact our office. 

    If urgent, please call our clinical line at 781-990-6625. Please allow 72 hours for your refill request to be reviewed and completed, and do not leave multiple messages for the same request.  

    Please do not contact  our office for your prescription status, please check with your pharmacy.

    Please be advised if a prior authorization is required by your insurance carrier, your prescription may be delayed until such authorization is granted by your insurance company and Sunshine Wellness has no control over said situations. 

    While we make every effort to obtain an authorization as quickly as possible, there is however always a chance that prescription coverage will be delayed, and/or denied by your insurance carrier. Please contact your pharmacy or insurance carrier with any questions/concerns.

  • Forms review and or Completion Fees

    Reviewing forms $50. Forms requiring in depth information will be billed at an hourly review rate of $150. Please note this is an out of pocket expense, and is NOT  billable to your insurance company. 

  • Lab Testing and Fees

    Blood, saliva, and urine testing are frequently ordered by our office. While we can speak to which labs bill to insurance companies, we cannot guarantee insurance coverage for lab tests

    We encourage our patients to get familiar with all aspects of their insurance coverage before any lab testing takes place. We are also happy to provide out-of-pocket lab costs if necessary.

    Lab Results can take between 2-6 weeks to process. We encourage patients to schedule a follow-up on the day of their lab testing so that results can be reviewed in a timely manner. **Please be advised results will not be given over the phone unless as part of a phone consultation with Dr. Shore-Schein. We will not call with results unless they show a life-threatening abnormality or an urgent matter that should not wait until your scheduled follow-up. 

    If you require results prior to your follow-up, they will not be interpreted, and you will need to submit a signed medical records request to our office.

  • Release of Medical Records

    All medical records requests will be processed in order of receipt and may take up to 30 days to be filled. Regarding lab results, Sunshine Wellness policy requires individual medical release requests for each test date.

    The fees for medical records are as follows:

    1-10 pages is $10, 11-30 pages is $25 and 31 pages, or more is $25 + $0.20 per page.

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